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Italian tutor

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Italian languages and grammar

Accent and syllable tonic

Posted in Italian languages and grammar on Dec 18, 2018

When speaking, the tone of the voice falls on a particular syllable, called tonic. It is said that the accent "falls" on that syllable.

Avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca

Posted in Italian languages and grammar on Oct 18, 2018

An italian proverb: “Non puoi avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca”. Literally “You cannot have a drunk wife and a full barrel”.

Speak in metaphor

Posted in Italian languages and grammar on Sep 24, 2018

Italians have good reputation for fashion and love to use phrases involving clothing. Today I am talking you through some of them

Vocal open or closed

Posted in Italian languages and grammar on Sep 13, 2018

Some words accented on the same syllable change meaning depending on whether the pronunciation of the E or O is either open or closed.

“Giallo”, what does it means?

Posted in Italian languages and grammar on Sep 04, 2018

“Leggo un giallo”, “guardo un giallo”; literally I read a yellow!, I watch a yellow!

If you are in Italy and you listen to this, don’t worry, they are not going mad!

Grave accent and acute accent

Posted in Italian languages and grammar on Feb 08, 2018

In the Italian language there are two accents, the grave and the acute which respectively indicate a closed or open sound of the vowel.


I am a 46 years old certified Italian teacher with a degree in politics and a PhD in modern history.