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Italian tutor

Courses Holiday Culture

Learn Italian tasting good wine

Posted in Touring, events, places and traditions on Dec 01, 2018

Discover the magic of Vinitaly in Verona. Wine and food, art and music, gathering and entertainment. An experience you will never forget, and you can combine it with learning Italian.

Verona is about one hour by train from Bologna. If you are interested in visiting Vinitaly and at the same time learning the Italian language you can participate in one of our tailor-made courses, we can propose a solution that suits your needs, for example by concentrating the hours of classes on weekdays to leave you free on weekends.

Vinitaly, a fascinating event that can be attended by attending an Italian course in Bologna

Informations: Vinitaly official site

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Speak in metaphor

Posted in Italian languages and grammar on Sep 24, 2018

Italians have good reputation for fashion and love to use phrases involving clothing. Today I am talking you through some of them


I am a 46 years old certified Italian teacher with a degree in politics and a PhD in modern history.