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Italian tutor

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Learn Italian

Italian lessons on line

Italian online lessons are the ideal choice for people who want to save time, money and stress. From the comfort of your own home, for just £ 30 you can have an hour bespoke lesson with Gabriele, a mother tongue qualified and experienced teacher.

There are many online platform that can be used for lessons but Italian Tutor suggest Skype which is not only easy and free to use but it is as well an excellent system to deliver efficient teaching. Gabriele will use the chat room as a board and at the end of the lesson you will be able to go through all his notes just scrolling up and down your screen: you will not miss any information and your revision and homework are going to be easier and more productive!

Hours £ Discount
1 30
10 255 15%
20 420 30%

It’s good value for your money

Online classes are cheaper than traditional ones, in addition there are no commuting costs, and the course materials will be available for you at no cost.

It’s more comfortable

You will learn from the comfort of your own home with no need to fight traffic, or miss important family time.

It’s more flexible

You will be able to plan learning time around the rest of your day, instead of the other way around. Students can study and work at their convenience.

You will avoid travelling

Travelling by car or public transport is not only expensive but can be as well stressing and dangerous: bad weather and traffic can turn your journey into a nightmare.

Improve your technical skills

Don’t know Skype or other tools for online teaching? You will learn how to use them quickly and you will discover tools that can be very useful not just for learning Italian.

Get in touch to arrange your free 30-minute lesson

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